Joy, or happiness, is the sugar of our emotional diet, a little is good, too much and....

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May 20, 2022Liked by George Grosman

Just what I needed to read. Thank you!

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Another gem from your wise (not so) old brain. George, I wish I lived near you, so I could buy you a coffee & chew the fat for hours. xx

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Thank you George. I always thought I was the only one who thought this way. "Don't be an asshole" is tops, IMO. The best way to avoid being an asshole is to (a) keep your mouth shut but (b) give an honest opinion when asked for it and (c) don't scream it. Just look your interlocutor in the eye and tell him/her the truth, as you see it. Keep it short and sweet.

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sounds like you may be ready for Paul Watzlawick... The situation is hopeless but not serious

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May 20, 2022Liked by George Grosman

Excellent post, there was sentence after sentence I found amusing to read. :)

I think you're missing out regarding mindfulness. When I suffered the most in life, a relatively small amount of mindfulness did miracles for me. It taught me that happiness is basically always available, and can be self-induced. I also learned that, even though this feeling is basically always available, it is a sort of drug, and so I came to similar (but not identical!) conclusions as you.

Mindfulness does work, and is helpful, but you're right that happiness is something to enjoy when it is present, and maybe to seek out when you need it, but not something to chase all the time.

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Excellent advice,...er, observations.

I've found that gentle aging cures much of my anxiety. So often, I get tied up in the moment's task, and that, coupled with my advanced and purposefully cultivated forgetfulness, is a wonder drug. I can't tell you how many critical things I've forgotten to do that had absolutely no impact on my life. So what if I forgot to...

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